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A Purrfect Christmas: My cat's perspective

Venice Ryanne Villenas

Humans are very unusual creatures, they celebrate odd traditions like Valentine’s Day or someone’s birthday. Recently I’ve been introduced to a new tradition called Christmas. I usually pay no mind to such frivolous matters but this particular holiday of theirs intrigued me. The humans celebrate it not for themselves but for their God. Does this mean this holiday is for me? These people serve me so it must be for me!

“Psspspsps Azure! Come here and check out the tree!” the smallest human called out to me. She’s the one who is usually by my side, she is my most loyal servant out of the others.

Since I am feeling generous today, I’ll grace her with my presence. I slowly walked up to her and snuggled her hand. “Aawww you’re so cute!” she exclaimed, this human never fails to make me feel loved despite her being a lower life-form.

She then carried me in her arms and put me down near a glowing tree. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, humans are very weird.

The lights on the tree piqued my interest and I started to play with it.

“Azure! Don’t play with that!” said, this one is slightly taller than the loyal human. This one doesn’t let me have any fun, she always prevents me from playing with wires and other types of objects. Nonetheless she is still a servant of mine and I treat my servants like family.

She picked me up and put me up and plopped me on the couch. She placed me beside the tallest human in the house.The tallest human was using some sort of device, it was rectangular in shape and it made noises such as ‘DEFEAT’ or ‘DESTROY THE TURRET’. Out of all the humans he is by far the weirdest.

I sat next to him while he was using that device of his. The loyal human put on a show on a bigger rectangular device and my three servants all sat on the couch.

The device showed a text, it said “Klaus”.

“We’re watching this one again?” the weird human asked

“This is my favorite Christmas movie! You said I could pick anything” the loyal human replied.

A Christmas show? Maybe it’s to show their appreciation for me.




The show had no connection to me whatsoever! They better give an explanation to this immediately.

“It’s time to eat guys! I’ll get the food” the boring human said.

You all have been forgiven, just give me the food.

They put a bowl of my favorite flavor of wet food. After that they put their hands together and started being thankful for things.

The boring human said, “Thank you Lord for keeping us together through all of our hardships and giving us the strength to persevere through the year and we hope for a great next year, in Jesus name we pray, amen.”

Is this what Christmas is? Being together and this Jesus fellow? I have learned a lot about humans today, they are very strange but even so I still love them. I hope they introduce me to this Jesus they speak of.

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