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Hybrid Classes Start

Elianna Sta Agueda

After two years of just seeing everyone online, it has finally come to an end. This school year announces hybrid classes for all schools and all grade levels to university. But what even are Hybrid classes?

Hybrid Classes are a teaching technique in which some students participate in class in person while others do so virtually from home. In that explanation, students can finally meet each other and slowly adapt to the “old normal” we used to have.

Teachers have been looking forward to face-to-face classes because online class poses challenges that face to face class does not have. It was much easier if it was in person because the practices could just be a book and a whiteboard, and still, students could learn. It’s not just about teaching, but it is also being able to connect with your students. With different styles of learning, some will thrive with online while some will thrive in face to face classes. The hybrid setup addresses both concerns.

For students, there were tons of nostalgic videos/flashbacks posted on social media that show how students go to school versus now, which has changed their perspective a lot. Now that students know there are hybrid classes offered in Christian Legacy, it gives much flexibility for parents and students alike to choose their method of learning.

There were countless memes of students sleeping with their cameras on, using a picture of themselves as a background to make it look like they’re awake, changing their names with words like how students threw letters when they were still in person, and so much more.

Although many are excited to see one another again, some still prefer online classes rather than face-to-face.



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