"There is no passion to be found in playing small - in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living."

Former South African President and Nobel Prize Winner Nelson Mandela said that great line years ago. It was a great encouragement then during those turbulent times, it still echoes strong today.
This week, Christian Legacy bookends this successful Academic Year with its Online Culminating and Moving Up Day. Pandemic or no-pandemic, we surely triumphed against adversity. And yes, truly we can claim that this year, the Faculty and Staff of Christian Legacy have lived a life that is bigger than big.
Ms. Joy Muleta, our School Directress exclaims that "HOPE is a powerful force and probably the MOST IMPORTANT FACTOR when it comes to OVERCOMING life's BIGGEST PROBLEMS. Without it, everything is lost. People end up QUITTING and GIVING UP in life because they LOST HOPE." So come and celebrate with us as we honor the accomplishments of Christian Legacy students in the different aspects of their Academic and Extra-Curricular life. Read on about the Awards given to our Graduating Class.
First on the list is our Loyalty Award. The Loyalty Award is given to the students who have completed the entire grade level with Christian Legacy. This award is given to the completers of Preschool, Grade School, Junior High, and Senior High.
This year, we are introducing 4 new awards that best embody our Core Values. First on the list is the Life of Nehemiah Award. This award is presented to the student who possesses Servant Leadership above all others. Second, we have the Life of Daniel Award, which is given to the student who best embodies Character Excellence, similarly with Daniel in the book of Daniel in the Old Testament. Third, we have the Genuine Connection Award -- this award is given to the student who has genuinely connected best among his/her peers. Lastly, we have the True Survivor award. This recognition is awarded to the student who exemplifies admirable resourcefulness in his/her School Life --or what we call Life Skills.
The most prestigious award to be given every year is the Royalty Award. This award is given to the graduating student who embodies all the Core Values of Christian Legacy: Character Excellence, Life Skills, Academic Excellence, Social Skills, and Servant Leadership. Last but not the least, we present the award that is given to the student who excels the most academically in their respective class, the With Highest Honors award. That concludes the list of our awards to be given to our students for the upcoming event. A lot is asked of us in this ever-changing world. More than the use of our earthly powers, we must use our faith in the Lord in shaping our future. Let us pray for our completers as they go ahead and live a life that is truly worth living. Kudos Graduates!