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Rejecting the Act of Gossip

Eljeanne Laurito Grade11

“Psst! Have you heard about…” This is how the whirlwind world of gossip usually starts. From one person an information about someone is passed to the other person. Then, that person may also pass it to another. For some, gossip happens in groups. It may happen in face-to-face conversations or through online platforms. There are different ways to gossip about a person, who may or may not be aware he or she has become a subject for such a conversation.  

So far, nothing negative has been mentioned about gossip:

  • It is information passed to either an individual or to a group of people. 

  • It is about a particular someone. 

  • It may happen face-to-face or online. 

Despite the “no-harm” first impression of gossip, it is still bound in worldly definitions. What would be the Biblical perspective? People’s lives can and have been turned around for the worse because of gossip, making it dangerous. But first, what does gossip really mean? 

The Actual Meaning

The Oxford Dictionary defined gossip as “a conversation about other people.” This “mere” conversation can be neutral, positive, and negative.

It’s important to pay constant attention to the direction of conversations that may be categorized as gossip as it may have different impact, depending on their type. How?

It can Hurt Someone's Future

Although gossip is defined as “a conversation about other people,” the dictionary further explained that it “typically [involves] details that are not confirmed [to be] true.” So, it is possible that false information (aka rumors) may be passed around about a particular person through gossip. 

If an information is untrue, even if it's good information, it may still hurt the future of the person in question. False good information may lead to disappointment upon the person who’s the subject of a gossip as the “expectation” may not be met. 

Still, even if a true but negative gossip is being talked about, it will bring a negative impact on the person being talked about. Because of this, people’s view of them change and the person’s reputation may now be destroyed. In a way, we have destroyed the peace of the person and their relationship with other people. Would you want to be the reason for that?

Some may think of it as a good thing - a thing that the particular person deserves. But, remember the Golden Rule? “Just as you want men to do to you, do the same way to them.” Remember, as much as the person in question is imperfect, we are all equally imperfect. No one is especially imperfect. So, like them, we have negative habits and characteristics. But, how would we like it if someone tells others about our negative traits?

So, when we become aware of negative information about someone, consider why it is wise to be kind than right. 

It can Hurt Someone's Well-being

As mentioned, negative gossip has the power to damage the reputation and the peace of a person. This causes the person in question to feel humiliated; negatively impacting their confidence. Because of this, their performance in everyday life may also take a hit.

As their relationship with others is tarnished, they may experience conflict and loneliness. Loneliness, in turn, leaves the person feeling unwanted and empty. As a consequence, they risk having depression, heart disease, and, even, suicidal thoughts. 

As much as negative gossip affects the mental well-being of the person in question, their physical well-being will also, inevitably, take a toll. So, if you want to be healthy, avoid engaging in gossip. 

It can Destroy the Most Important Relationship

If negative gossip affects the relationship of the person in question with others, the person gossiping also affects the most important relationship one can have; our relationship with God. 

God has clearly communicated His view on gossips in the Bible. The following are some of the Bible texts that reveals His view on it: 

  • Ephesians 4:25 - “Therefore, now that you have put away deceit, each one of you speak truth with his neighbor, because we are members belonging to one another.”

  • Ephesians 4:29 - ““Let a rotten word not come out of your mouth, but only what is good for building up.”​

  • Proverbs 20:19 - “Do not associate with one who loves to gossip.”

The scriptures are clear. God wants us to speak truthfully to each other. He doesn’t want “rotten” (bad) words to come out of our mouths. And, He does not want us to be with gossipers. Yes, even if we’re just another person who has been told a negative gossip, if we engage in such negative conversation, we are still putting our relationship to God in danger. 

It is clear: God does not like gossip and the act of gossiping, especially if it’s done. Just like it is with other things, if we do things that God doesn’t approve of, we risk completely destroying our relationship with Him. 


We may be put in a situation where we may become the source of a negative gossip or just another person told a negative gossip. When faced with conversations that may turn ugly, remember the Bible’s advice in 1 Thessalonians 4:11: “Make it your aim to live quietly and to mind your own business…”


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