The rise of COVID-19 has brought a suspension of classes nation-wide. The Royals were saddened with this news as most of the students were not able to bid their goodbyes to their fellow friends and were still expecting to make a lot more memories together. To endure these challenges, some students have found creative ways to make better use of their free time. While some have grown a deeper relationship with their families, others have unleashed a new version of themselves.
Here are the Grade 10 and 11 students who have agreed to tell their stories. Let us hear it from the Royals!
This quarantine had both the goods and the bad. I was able to bond with my family by having deeper relationships with my siblings and spending quality time with them such as watching movies together. I also was able to try new things I have not done before and to make use of my time other than using my phone. Not only that but I had a reflection, I was able to have a closer relationship with God.
The bad part was the fear of going out and not knowing what will happen the next day. Yes, I wanted to go out, and I still miss being able to hang out with friends without the fear of a deadly virus. However, it was as sad of quarantine as I thought it would be. Yes, there is fear however this is also the time to go back to God and truly cast our anxiety to him. Not only that but also have a much healthier lifestyle.
— Nina Mamon (Grade 10)
This quarantine taught me how much I miss hanging out with my family and how little I know about them I got to know them better and learn about their lives. I had the chance to exercise more and play basketball and on top of that I am now studying and working hard to pass and get high grades this school year.
— Keen Ordep Jao (Grade 11)
What did I do during quarantine? Well, it was pretty much any normal day in the house but the fact that I'm stuck in the house for another reason hits differently. At first, I was very happy that I got to have more free time with myself and my family but as it kept repeating every single day, I want to go out and hang out with the people I know including my family. When I think about the days where I go out, I sometimes take it for granted which I totally regret now since I'm basically stuck here for my own good.
But I found and learned new things that I really didn't know back then. I started to learn how to cook and bake to make my family taste them. I'm also learning Nihongo because I didn't have the time to do it before. The fact that yes, this quarantine has negative sides but if you just focus on the positive side. It's not as bad as you think. I just put my trust and faith into God cause I know He is always there with me.
— Elianna G. Sta Agueda (Grade 10)
During this quarantine, I was able to spend more time with my family and reconnect with them. I realized how much of the world I used as a distraction from my own thoughts, I had a more difficult time adjusting with being by myself because being stuck at home I had no choice but to face myself and everything going on in my head, so in a way, I'm happy that I had this time away to really be by myself, do the things I really love like photography and film, and just think on my own.
Although there were times when I would really miss exploring since I'm the type of person that likes moving around and making plans, being stuck at home kinda gave me a reality check to slow down a bit and enjoy the moments I'm living in now. And even though I couldn't see my friends we would regularly check-up on each other. Honestly, I've also learned how to appreciate what I have and what I HAD as well. People never really appreciate what they have until they lose it. So I try to be more positive nowadays and be more appreciative of my family and God.
A few things I really enjoyed and helped me get through this was spending time with my family, talking to my friends over the phone, working, watching shows, baking, and other stuff. I guess those little things didn't just entertain me but also help me get used to doing stuff on my own and being on my own. So yes that's basically my quarantine.
— Ann Jose T. Tanabe (Grade 10)
I guess what I could say about quarantine is that it is very, very repetitive. Because none of us can go out, we’re limited to whatever activities we can do within our homes. It turns most days (and weeks) into almost a monotonous and repetitive cycle: wake up, eat, do whatever kind of work/study, exercise if you want to, sleep, repeat until it is safe to go out. In these times and cycles do I think about how much I appreciated things that most of the time go unappreciated, like the plethora of things on the Internet that anyone can access easily or the idea of online gaming, where despite whatever physical distance there maybe you can play with your friends. I’d even say that it’s those things that keep the repetitive cycles ‘fresh’, whether it’s a new book you are reading or another match of your favorite game with friends.
Speaking of friends, it’s obvious that everyone has slowly started to miss being with good company. Sure, now is an ideal time for families to spend time with one another, but I guess what I’m trying to say is that there comes a point where you spend time with family for too long that it gets somewhat irritating. This just makes me more thankful for Wifi as it basically helps relationships stay connected, making people able to keep in touch with others despite the jarring physical distance.
I’ve been spending time with friends online and although I do wish for a time where we can finally meet-up, I am content with what I have now. Anyways, now is a great time to just stop and ponder about everything and anything. Take some time to be thankful for what you have, even if it isn’t much!
— Joshua Samuel Habos (Grade 11)
This quarantine taught me to become a better individual from my past self when there was no occurring pandemic. Boredom for more than 6 months helps me to enhance my creativity and patience. When the first months of Covid-19 was making the whole world suffer; My strength, capabilities, and my mental stabilities hit the lowest peak leading me to have "on-and-off" anxiety attacks.
The light that brings to this melancholic present was my family, friends, and God. They're the ones who console me when there are some difficulties occurring, making my fears to dwindle and becoming optimistic once again. When this pandemic is over, I'll learn to appreciate and give more importance even to the good little things that the day gives just as how much I cherish the good times and blessings even under this pandemic.
— Emmanuel Timothy Borja (Grade 11)
This Quarantine is quite an adventure for me. It definitely has its ups and downs. At times, I felt sad and lonely; at other times, I felt happy and hyped. Quarantine made me experience new things like understanding a bit of myself, my preferred paths, and decisions to make to reach future goals. Quarantine also showed me friends who are for keeps and those I must let go of. As a family, we do a lot of bonding. Unlike before, I was so busy with school and tutorial class which caused the "distance" between me and my parents. I am now more open. I am able to understand more what is my "true purpose" or "goal" in life. All these realizations are so brand new, making this quarantine quite an adventure for me.
— Patti Anne Mantua (Grade 11)