Giving out questions to the new teachers was indeed fun! Not only did we learn more about them, but we also saw a glimpse of how they live their lives, especially during this pandemic. They take their passion seriously and would want to touch the lives of teenagers along with it. Surely, as time would go by, their students would learn to love them more than as a teacher.
Let’s meet our new teachers, Ms. Liza Besana, Mr. Andrai Antonio, and last but not least, Ms. Jillian May Diomampo.
[Editor's Note: Sir Andrai’s interview answers did not make the publishing date]
Based on the info we gathered, our new teachers are guaranteed to have experience in their profession. Both Ms. Jillian and Ms. Liz have been teaching for a really long time now, surely gaining valuable experience and memories. Given how long they’ve been in their field, I think we already know how much they love being teachers.
Their hobbies prove that even through their time for themselves, our teachers still find things to learn. Ms. Jillian, especially, is a new mom now and has been taking care of her 4-month old daughter. She definitely learns a lot from being a parent and teacher at the same time, and so it’s not a surprise that Ms. Jillian likes to take naps during her downtime, it truly is a struggle to be a new mom! Meanwhile, Ms. Liz takes an interest in both Korean lessons and swimming, with her downtime spent sleeping and eating.
A person’s choice of music says a lot about their personality. Our teachers have different tastes and prefer different genres. Thus, making each of them unique. Ms. Liz likes rock bands as well, alongside jazz and classical music. These are what she likes: Turtle Island String Quartet, Dream Theater, Rachel Barton-Pine, Ray Chen, Jacob Colier - She loves how they sound. Ms. Jillian takes more on the Pop genre, with Maroon 5 topping her list.
Students have fears, teachers are no different. Ms. Jillian can’t remember how she got it, but she has a fear of lightning and thunder while Ms. Liz fears the ever famous species of cockroaches. Although her fear of hanging bridges can’t be remembered quite clearly, it may have originated from childhood trauma, she shared.
Our new teachers all come from a starting point. Ms. Jillian learned that she wanted to become a teacher when she was a student. Social studies teachers in high school are what inspired her. As for Ms. Liz, she already saw herself teaching and instructing. She was inspired by her Grade 4 teacher, Mrs. Patricia Robles. She mentions that “She didn't just bring out the best in me, but she made me realize that teaching is not just for students to create grades but to be educated.”
Being a teacher comes with goals wanting to be achieved. They might have different opinions and approaches on this, but nonetheless, they all desire one destination and achievement, that is to educate their students to the fullest extent they could possibly offer. Starting off with Ms. Jillian, she wants her students to have fun while learning. Ms. Liz’s goal is education. To teach things that weren’t taught to her before. For her, Learning is a lifelong process so to speak, but she would want to impart to them that music may not be an 'academic' subject, but it's a lifestyle and an important life skill.
When asked about their hobbies and their tinkering habits, Ms. Jillian says that she loves milk tea and spicy food while Ms. Liz knows how to read and write the Korean Language. She’s allergic to a lot of things, so don't be offended when she rejects food offerings. Haha!
Since we have been in quarantine for more than 6 months now, teaching and instructing has certainly taken a different approach. Ms. Jillian thinks that whatever situation we may be in, teaching is really a challenge, especially now that she has to juggle the responsibility of being both a mom and teacher. Ms. Liz thinks the same and says that it is hard but she’s doing her best to cope up. As said by Ms. Jillian, “I have a lot. But to answer the question, The most memorable ones are when I was tapped to do demonstration teachings in front of DepEd officials and whenever I get to talk one on one (heart to heart) with a student.” Ms. Liz feels happy every time she sees her students thriving in music and applying it to their lifestyle.
It has been a great experience learning about our new teachers. We will leave the readers with the favorite quotes from our teachers:
For Ms. Jillian, it is “What goes around, comes around.” and “What you sow is what you’ll reap.”
For Ms. Liza, it is the Bible Verse from Acts 17:28 "For in Him we live, move and have our being..."
A fitting end to our getting to know moment with our New CL Teachers. Welcome to the family and Godspeed!