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What is Christmas: A Christmas Tree's Perspective

Psalm Lacerna

“Hey, watch it!” I yelled with my non-existent mouth, however I was able to say that. Hm, How peculiar. What’s even more peculiar is that i feel like i had just been born, or i suddenly existed, i suddenly had eyes to see but eyes that no other being could see, a mind of my own, a sense of smell and touch. I couldn't remember anything else that happened before I got into this box. It's as though my life had just begun.

“It’s so tight in here” I thought. It was as though I was the lettuce in a burrito. I had no idea where I was, or even what I was. All I see on me are leaves. Everything is so strange to me. All I could hear was people laughing and cars beeping. I was so clueless.

Finally! After hours of going through bumpy roads and hearing beeping noises, it all stopped. I felt like I was moving. All i felt was a lot of motion, all i know is that i am not the one causing this motion, someone else is.

After all that aggressive motion, it stopped for a while. But not too long after that, I could feel I was in a different position with a little light peeking through the box I was in.

After a few minutes, I was out! Out in the open filled with warm lights and filled with a group of people. I have no idea who they are but I'll find out soon.

After that, I blacked out. Next thing I know my leaves are evenly spread around me, no longer tied up. I'm like a tree! Maybe I am designed to be one, but for what? A tree inside a home?

With no sunlight? That's kinda odd, but then again it’s like I was brought to life just moments ago so I have no idea what I am and what I am for but I'm sure I will find out eventually.

Around me, I saw a bunch of boxes and a big mirror in front of me. I took a look at myself and saw how nice I look, I looked just how I thought I did. A nice little tree with dark green leaves that is almost just as tall as the ceiling.

In the boxes around me, i saw signs on it saying “Ornaments”, “Wreaths”, “Ribbons”, “Stockings” and a big box with a sign that says “Christmas tree decorations” I can only guess that I'm the Christmas tree those decorations are for. I mean I am a green tree, but what’s Christmas?

I paused for a minute since a little girl started adding shiny glitter balls on me, I was clueless. After a while a bunch of people started putting more on me. I didn't like it, the amount of decorations placed on me was very heavy, but I saw the group of people smiling and enjoying their time together decorating me. It was heart-warming. It was like they were a family.

After long hours of decorating, not just me but the whole house. Everything looked amazing, everything was cozy, the whole house looked so great! And the family looked really happy together. It was like ‘tis the season to be jolly. “Hm, season. That must be what Christmas is, a season!” I thought to myself. But a part of me is saying there's more to Christmas than that.

Christmas Eve morning~

I’ve been with the family for quite some time now. But I still don't understand what the meaning of Christmas is. Ever since they decorated me, I made it my mission to find out what Christmas is before I die, or well, before I stop existing. Who knows? I can disappear any second! I don't want to disappear without accomplishing anything at all.

Night time~

It’s now night time and I see snow everywhere outside the window and gifts under me, I hear songs that talk about Christmas, I smell delicious food being served on the table and see each and every one that's in this household smiling, enjoying their time together.

I don't understand what’s happening. Everyone is counting down.






“What is going on!”







“Oh wow! It’s Christmas!” I thought. Everyone started giving gifts to each other and opening them all at the same time. They each had big smiles on their faces when receiving them.

A man then told the story about a person called Jesus. After that, everyone was amazed by the story and so was I!.

I could feel I'm slowly fading away, but I'm glad. I now know what Christmas is. Christmas is the time of the year where people gather and celebrate the birth of Jesus. It’s where they show gratitude for one another. It's a time for family. Its a time to be happy. I'm happy.

The Little tree was happy, that finally, It found out the true meaning of Christmas. Its mission was complete, which means it’s time for it to fade away. Back to being a non-living thing. Even though this is sad, the little tree was happy that it spent its final existence during Christmas with the people it loves.

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